Advanced Mediterranean Diet

 Scientific breakthroughs, mostly over the last decade, should allow us to fine-tune the traditional Mediterranean diet, leading to greater improvements in health and longevity.  Specific modifications to the traditional Mediterranean diet will ensure that you get the optimal amount of various foods that have been clearly associated with lower rates of disease and longer lifespan.  Please consider the following modifications—which we’ll call the Advanced Mediterranean Diet—as you eat Mediterranean-style:
How much fish?  Two servings per week, to prevent sudden death and heart attacks.
What kind of fish? Cold-water fatty fish (albacore tuna, salmon, mackerel, sardines, trout, sea bass, swordfish, herring, anchovies, halibut, pampano).  Many of these fish were not available to the Mediterraneans of the mid-20th century.
How many nuts?  Three to five 1-ounce servings per week.
How much olive oil?  Aim for a minimum of seven to 14 tablespoons weekly.
How much fruits and vegetables?  At least 5 servings daily, to reduce risk of cancer, heart attacks, and stroke.
How much legumes?  Four servings per week, to prevent coronary artery disease.
How much wine, for those who choose to drink?  No more than one glass (4-5 ounces) daily for women and two glasses for men, to prolong lifespan and reduce coronary artery disease and dementia.  Before taking up the wine habit, carefully consider the pros and cons.
How much whole grain?  Three servings daily, to reduce risk of premature death, coronary artery disease, diabetes mellitus, and cancer.
The traditional Mediterranean diet was generally high-fiber but how much fiber do we need?  Twenty-five to 30 grams daily, to prevent diverticulosis, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, and hemorrhoids.
The Advanced Diet encourages usage of heart-protective omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in vegetable oils, especially flaxseed, canola, and soybean oils.  These were not significant contributors to the traditional diet.
Full-fat versions of dairy products were the norm in the traditional diet.  We now believe that the saturated fats in them contribute to hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis), so the Advanced Diet favors the low-fat versions.  For the same reason, the Advanced Diet favors leaner (lower fat) cuts of meat, poultry, and game.

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