Alkaline water scam

Recently, we visited a relative abroad. He’s a retired professor who used to teach science subjects in school. I had quite a bit of a surprise when he showed me a device about 14 inches tall called a water alkalinizer or ionizer. It’s supposed to convert the “acidic water” which we usually drink into alkaline water which can cure all sorts of diseases. The device cost him $4,000 or something like P180,000 from an MLM (multilevel marketing) agent.

My jaw almost dropped. I’d probably not even buy that machine for $100. Whoever sold that plastic contraption to my scholarly relative must really be very smart to convince him about its supposed phenomenal health benefits.

But I did not want to offend my relative’s feelings so I just told him a curt “it seems to be too good to be true.” But if it worked for him and made him feel good, the exorbitant price he paid for it shouldn’t be much of an issue, I said politely. Then I immediately changed the topic so we did not have to get into an argument about the apparent scam he had just allowed himself to be a willing victim of.

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