Neuroplasticity and dystonia

What does Dr. Farias' Neuroplastic Training consist of?

This neuroplastic movement therapy focused on the parts of the body that have incorrect or undesirable movement, but also on the individual’s holistic movement patterns. The movements are examined to identify the dysfunction that has been learned by the individual’s brain so that those patterns can be reprogrammed to enable desired movement.
To do this, Neuroplastic Movement Therapy uses a combination of techniques including incremental task conditioning to allow the old patterns to adapt to the new patterns. Strength training and repetitive task performance may also be used to enable the body to effectively teach the brain the desired movement patterns.
Movement Therapy is not painful and actually can be very enjoyable. Some patients use music, dance or other forms of stimulating techniques to ‘relax’ the brain into a state of pleasurable re-learning and neuroplasticity. Some individuals see immediate improvements while others may take weeks, even months before some or all movement is corrected.
Each patient and situation will be different and the therapies used with be unique to the patient’s own condition, preference and lifestyle.
Since 1996, Dr. Farias has been working on providing effective alternative and complementary care for patients affected by dystonia by pioneering new theories on neuroplasticity induced by movement therapy. His treatments leverage the connections between emotions and movement with special attention to the role that rhythm and timing play in coordination.
He considers dystonia to be a temporary lack or loss of accuracy and precision in brain activity. For this reason Dr. Farias’ neuroplastic Movement Therapy aims to retune the brain and restore proper function of cognitive processes, perception and motor functions.

What makes Dr.Farias' Neuroplastic Training different?

Other therapeutic approaches take a long time to see some improvement and are psychologically counterproductive because they reinforce the undesired movements and feed anxiety. They only deal with the symptoms and don't address the root cause.
In Dr. Farias' approach, we try to reduce the recovery process to the shortest length possible. This minimizes frustration, stress and depression that can appear as a result of going a long time without adequate support and guidance.
Using our protocol, it is possible to achieve remarkable improvements in movement and coordination in a surprisingly short period of time and from the first moment of training, as shown in our Videos

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