Diseases caused by pollution

Diseases due to air pollution

  • Asthma
    This caused by the inhalation of poisonous gases that are in the air. It also comes from the constant suffocation brought on by air pollution.
  • Pulmonary Cancer
    The different carcinogens that are found in polluted air are inhaled into the lungs causing cancer.
  • Cardiovascular problems
    The poisonous gases, particles and poor air quality can affect the cardiovascular system leading to stroke and heart disease.

Diseases due to water pollution

  • Typhoid
    This is a disease that is caused by consuming polluted water. It is an infectious disease that can spread from one person to another.
  • Diarrhea
    This is the most common one and is actually an indication that the digestive system is out of order. It may also include stomach inflammation.
  • Cancer and Liver damage
    This is often caused by chlorinated solvents that can be found in water that is polluted.
Diseases caused by pollution water pollution

Diseases due soil pollution

  • Nerve and Brain Damage
    This occurs if you are exposed to soil that is contaminated with lead.
  • Cancer
    If you are directly exposed to soil that is polluted with many harmful chemicals, you can suffer from cancer. These chemicals include weed killers, chromium, benzene and a variety of pesticides.
  • Liver and kidney disease
    This is also caused by coming into contact with soil that has been polluted using a variety of infectious chemicals.

Noise pollution

  • Permanent or temporary deafness
    The main challenge with this effect of noise pollution is that it may not appear immediately. There might not even be signs of it happening until it does. It takes its toll over the years, making its debut at an older age.

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