
So remember when I told you that statins are prescribed to lower cholesterol and prevent heart disease? Well, it seems that they are only fulfilling half of their job requirements. While statins lower LDL cholesterol, the research does not indicate that they prevent heart disease.
Check out these numbers and facts. As a point of reference, ideal cholesterol levels are between 150 and 220.
▪ 35% of all heart attack patients have total cholesterol levels below 200.
▪ 50% of heart attack patients have total cholesterol levels below 220.
▪ 50% of heart attack patients have never presented with any of the conventional markers for heart disease. If high cholesterol is an indication of heart disease, then shouldn't the majority of heart attack patients have high cholesterol?
▪ Statins do not correct or increase levels of HDL (the “good” cholesterol) or reduce high triglycerides (fat in your liver from excess sugar and carbohydrates). Many would argue that HDL cholesterol and triglycerides are more effective markers for heart disease than LDL levels.
Another important note, is that the median total cholesterol range for initiating statin drug treatment has gone down significantly over time.
This number is determined by the the U.S. National Cholesterol Education Program. In the mid 1980’s, physicians were prescribing statin drugs to people with cholesterol levels in the mid to upper 300 range whereas now, physicians are giving statins to people with cholesterol levels in the low 200’s.


The Annals of Internal Medicine found insufficient evidence to support these numbers in 2006. It was also discovered that 8 of the 9 doctors on the panel of the Cholesterol Education Program were making money from drug companies, which incentivized them to lower cholesterol numbers to sell more statins. But as you can see from the statistics above, many heart attack patients do not have high cholesterol so it doesn't really add up. Even though we're implementing treatment at lower cholesterol levels, heart disease is on the rise.
The value of the cholesterol-lowering drug industry is currently estimated to be about $29 billion. If you google "what is the main cause of death in the United States?", heart disease pops up. Heart Disease has been the leading cause of death in the U.S. for the past 50 years. Millions of Americans are taking statins yet still millions of Americans have heart disease and more people are developing heart disease than ever before. Something isn't working.
Instead of putting a band-aid on your cholesterol, my recommendation is to address the root cause of your high LDL and start taking ownership of your own health.

Here are a few tips to take care of your heart, lower your LDL and increase your HDL, and hopefully avoid taking statins:

▪ Eliminate processed and packaged foods
▪ Eat green vegetables: zucchini, kale, parsley, dandelion, lettuce, spinach
▪ Exercise
▪ Cut out artificial sweetener
▪ Don't skip meals
▪ Meditate or do yoga to decrease stress levels
▪ Eliminate candy and sugary sweets. Find healthy sweet alternative

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